Cox started the fight by tagging Groves with multiple jabs to the body. Groves fired back with body shots of his own and eventually connected with good straights to the head. Both fighters started unleashing power shots towards the end of the round.
The Swindon boxer continued to target Groves’ body with the jabs. Cox pressured Groves against the ropes that escalated into a blow for blow trade off. ‘The Saint’ clipped Cox with accurate punches towards in the end, but the challenger made his intentions clear. He came to fight.
The same blueprint was used in the third. Cox started with the body jabs and Groves countered with a strong uppercut and a brief brawl ensued after. Cox showed a little frustration in the third after a few slips but the bout stayed even as both fighters landed shots.
Cox kept his pressure up in the fourth but then out of nowhere Groves lands perfectly places strong right hook to the body. The challenger went down and did not get up.
Groves now advances to the semi-finals of the tournament and faces Chris Eubank Jr next in January.